Barry's brother Dustin and his wife Ursula, and their two kids, Maila and Jaden, came down to see us a few weeks ago to celebrate Maila's 5th birthday. To celebrate, she wanted to go to Disneyland! Quincey and Maila are the best of friends...too bad they live in Arizona! We always have a great time with Dustin and Ursula.
Barry and Dustin with all the kiddos!

Presley took an immediate liking for her Uncle Dustin!

Presley took an immediate liking for her Uncle Dustin!
Waiting to go into ride Roger Rabbit...the girls really like this ride. So does everyone else it is always crowded!

A couple Kodak moments in the rain!

A couple Kodak moments in the rain!
The girls are two peas in a pod! They didn't seem to mind the rain too was too much fun using such cute umbrellas!
Remember my little stinkpot? Well, here she is! She knew I was trying to take a picture of her so she kept covering herself with her umbrella...I finally had to come down to her level and snap one! Got you stinker!!
Quincey and Maila got their faces painted with WATER SOLUBLE paint! They did a good job keeping their faces dry lasted the rest of the evening. We actually left right after they had this done. Thanks Uncle Dustin for my painted face!
We are done! We were all soaked...our feet were drenched; our pants were drenched...not fun. I tried to keep Presley as dry as possible and Ursula held the umbrella over us! Good thing Urs and Dustin went early because by the time we got there in the afternoon it was pouring. Amazingly enough, it was still pretty crowded. We were able to go on a few rides so that was good!
1 comment:
these pictures make me so sad. when we lived in CA we were at disneyland and DCA three times a week. that is what i miss most about living there. looks like a ton of fun. i love disney in the rain
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