Presley was ready to start her first day of dance! She wore one of Quincey's leotards. I later bought her a new princess leotard and she was so excited to see it. We got in the car and she asked where her "tar" was and I told her it was in the bag. She looked inside and said, "No it's not! Where's my tar?" Then it dawned on me, she thought I bought her a princess guiTAR! She was not too impressed with the princess leotard!

Cute girls! The girls range in age from 2 to 3 so there is not a whole lot of learning going on. Their teacher teaches them basic ballet steps and then they do follow the leader.

After dance, we had to hurry home and change so Quincey could get ready for her first day of soccer practice.

There are 6 girls on her team...she is one of the older ones...the rest of the girls are 4 years old.

Good job at your first day of practice Quincey! This is her second year playing and seems to really enjoy it..except when it's too hot!